[UbuntuWomen] Harverst project current status

Silvia Bindelli silvia.bindelli at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 20:12:40 UTC 2013


as discussed during our monthly meeting last Tuesday, I checked with
Daniel the status of the Harvest project (harvet.ubuntu.com), to see
if we could take advange of it in involving more women in the project.

For those who were not there, we have been discussing a bit the
results of the survey. One of the points raised there was that it
would be interesting to have a set of concrete projects on which new
comers could start working, based on their skills and attitudes.
Harvest project was based on a similar idea: having a set of small
tasks from which people could start contributing.

Daniel gave his availability to help us in case we need it; about the
current status of the project and how it works, he said:

harvest is up and running, but nobody has worked on it for quite a
while. The way it works is that it pulls in lp:harvest-data which has a
file with "opportunity feeds", from which it pulls in the data.

I like the idea of aggregating in a place a set of little projects and
tasks, in order to provide concrete cases on which to start
contributing. Maybe I would extend it to different areas, not only

Any comment? What would you think about exploiting Harvest?


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