[UbuntuWomen] Website text review

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 09:45:48 UTC 2011

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> As our blueprint[0] for this cycle describes, one of the tasks for the
> cycle is deploying a new theme for our wiki and pointing
> www.ubuntu-women.org to the wiki (all of the content is already on the
> wiki, except for the front page itself!). Melissa Draper put together
> the design and worked with Alan Bell to make it into a wiki theme
> which is available in launchpad[1]. Alan has since sent the details to
> me so I can get them off to the Canonical sysadmins for installation,
> but we also have another lingering task - to review the default text
> on the front page of Ubuntu-Women.org so we can put in a redirect
> after the new wiki theme goes live.
> I have put a copy of the text up for collaboration here:
> http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Natty/Home
> So if you're interested, please read the current text and offer
> suggestions either by adding content to the wiki itself (don't worry
> about breaking it, wikis save old versions and have revert buttons!)
> or replying to this thread with ideas.
> Thanks everyone!

Added a bit from the CoC to bridge between the first and Flosspolls
study paragraphs, and tightened up the first sentences a bit.


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