[UbuntuWomen] Introduction: Contrary Mary

Mary Mooney memooney at gmail.com
Sun May 9 07:21:21 UTC 2010

Hello everyone

The mailing list suggests newbies send a letter of introduction to help the
community understand where they are coming from.

I have joined this list because I wanted to broadcast the fact that Google
are providing bursaries for women to attend a Europython Conference in
Birmingham in July 2010.  More information can be found at:


About me: I first used a computer about 25 years ago, in the Netherlands, I
word processed for the first time, creating and mail merging a letter to six
other candidates that did not get the job I had been appointed to.

I do not speak Dutch and the person instructing me did not speak English.

I had never used a keyboard before.

We did it!  I have used computers in a secretarial role ever since.

My introduction to FOSS started when my son needed a computer for his
university course.  He could not afford to buy one so started to build his
own.  He found Linux and Ubuntu; I don't think the family has looked back
since.  Not a Windows machine in the house!

I cannot programme.  I am an end-user.  So if you need anything tested, I am
your woman, probably.

Mary Mooney DEUK
Mob: +44 7914 079026

Q: What's tiny and yellow and very, very, dangerous?
A: A canary with the super-user password.
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