[UbuntuWomen] Localized Ubuntu Women mailing lists

Flavia Weisghizzi flavia at weisghizzi.it
Tue Mar 30 16:59:13 UTC 2010

Elizabeth Krumbach ha scritto:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 4:16 AM, Flavia Weisghizzi <flavia at weisghizzi.it> wrote:
>> Regarding the purpose to expand the knowing of UW aims, projects and
>> involvement in non-English mother tongue people, we're glad to announce
>> that in Italy we're ready to open a localized ML, in order to reach
>> Italian women and men who don't feel really comfortable with English.
>> We would like to announce it to our community in occasion of 10.04 release
> Starting a new thread for this because I think it's important.
> I think we'd like to coordinate the creation of localized mailing
> lists/groups (and possibly work to get them all on lists.ubuntu.com so
> there is consistency) so we can keep track of them and possibly touch
> base with leaders periodically to make sure we're all doing ok.
> Other thoughts on how we should coordinate this?

Absolutely agree...
We could think a Wiki page too with references of localized projects...

So...let's begin!


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