[UbuntuWomen] Ubuntu Women Project Leadership Elections.
Amber Graner
akgraner at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 16 07:11:48 UTC 2010
Hi all,
One of the other areas that was on that LONG email [1] to the UW mailing was
the *Ubuntu Women Project Leadership Elections.* I created a wiki [2] for
the *Proposed UW Project Leader(s) Election Process*. I have included the
contents of the wiki below as well. Please take a look and offer feedback
*1)* Single leader or Multiple leader approach?
*2)* Does time line below makes sense to everyone?
*3)* What if any are the other responsibilities that need to be added to the
*4)* Other Areas of Process/Timeline/Responsibilities that need to be
[1] - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2010-March/002545.html
[2] - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/LeadershipElectionProcess
Thanks everyone! :-)
Ubuntu Women Project Team Leadership Options
Below are the options for the team to consider - based on discussions in
December and January: (however if neither of these options are what you
would prefer please add your suggestion to the email or forum thread for
further discussion)
* *Option 1* - *Single Leader* - Review of the CC appointed leader and a
formal vote to keep that leader in place or nominate and to choose another
single leader
* *Option 2* - *Multiple co-leaders* - 3 leaders who together have
diverse strengths and span many areas of the community.
UW Project Team Election of Leader(s)
* Voting Members of the Team will vote on leader (s) in
another Condorcet poll.
* You must be listed on the Ubuntu Women LP Team for 1 month prior to
election date in order to be eligible to vote.
* Ubuntu-Women Project Team on LP
* It is important that all Ubuntu Women Project Team members who are
active in the following areas but have not joined the
Ubuntu-Women Team in
Launchpad are encouraged to do so:
* Ubuntu Women Mailing List
* Ubuntu Women Forums
* #ubuntu-women and #ubuntu-women-project IRC channels.
* *May 15th* - The List of the eligible Ubuntu Women Project Team members
will be put together using the LP list. I have been updating the list from
the channel poll - so this will not be a hard or time consuming task. It
will just need to be double checked.
* *May 15* - After the nominations are closed and the testimonial Phase
begins 2 people who are NOT seeking the leadership position (s) will need to
be responsible for the Condorcet poll. Don't worry if you are unfamiliar
with Condorcet it's easy and we can set up some "mock" polls to make you are
comfortable and familiar with how it works before the leadership poll is
schedule to open.
Time line for Ubuntu Women Project Elections
* *May 1st - May 15th* - *Nominations Phase* - All Ubuntu Women Project
Team members who would like to be considered for the leadership role(s)
should complete their nomination wiki's during this time frame.
* Team members can be self nominated or peer nominated.
* If you want to nominate someone other than yourself (Peer nominations)
please double check with them that they are willing to be included and make
sure they are aware of the time lines and each phase of the Election Process
* *May 15th and June 1st* - *Testimonial Phase* - Each Nominated Team
Member should make sure that all testimonials are added by June 1st.
* *June 1st, close on June 15th* - *Voting Phase* - Condorcet Poll is
sent to all Eligible Ubuntu Women Project team members and Voting begins.
Voting will close on June 15th at 2400UTC.
* *June 16th* - *New Leader(s) are announced.* This term of team
leader(s) would be one year.
Ubuntu Women Leadership Responsibilities
(Include but not limited to the following)
* Leader(s) will be elected for *one (1) year terms* - Beginning *June
16, 2010 through June 15, 2011*. Between April 15th and May 1st, 2011 the
Ubuntu Women Project Team will review the leadership term and make a
decision as to whether elections are to be called for or is current elected
Leader(s) will remain in place for another year.
* Gathering input from team and other key community members and
finalizing a roadmap at the beginning of each cycle.
* Seek to serve the team and it's charter and help team members to agree
upon goals and be successful in achieving those goals.
* May be called on to resolve conflicts of varying nature
* Weekly Responsibilities:
* Organizing and chairing regular IRC meetings and coordinating the
discussion to achieve agreed objectives and unblock problems.
* Taking care of meeting minutes and reporting those minutes in the
Team Reporting framework (may be delegated)
* Following up with the team on work items and cycle commitments to
maximize the opportunity for success.
* Leader to set/remind team members of next meeting date.
Amber Graner//akgraner//
Just me Amber.
There are lots of Linux users who don't care how the kernel works, but only
want to use it. That is a tribute to how good Linux is.
Linus Torvalds
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