[UbuntuWomen] UW Project - Suggested Measurable Goals -M Release Cycle

Amber Graner akgraner at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 15 22:51:38 UTC 2010

Hi all!
Laura was kind enough to give me a hand setting the Ubuntu Women Project
"Suggested" Measurable Goals for UDS-M Roadmap [1]. Below are the measurable
suggested goals that were on the agenda from the last meeting.  I sent these
to the mailing list on March 5th, along with other items.[2]  However, it
was requested that I break that LONG email up into topics - Measurable Goals
being one of the topics. It was also suggested that these topics be brought
to the Mailing List, Forums and IRC for further discussion before our next
meeting. (date time to be announcement under a separate email forthcoming

In addition to the those measurable goals a few more have been added.

These are the suggested items, please take a moment and offer feedback and
suggestions.  Further discussion can take place at the next Ubuntu Project


   *Area 1 - Enrollment*: (UW Project Members in LP Mailing Lists) This is
   not to target Ubuntu Membership. This is to encourage those team members who
   use Mailings Lists, Forums, and IRC to join the Ubuntu Women team in LP.

   *Area 2 - Online Team Activity* - (Wiki, Website, Blogging, Mailing list
   discussions, Forum Discussions, LoCo teams, Ubuntu weeks) this would also
   include the online Resources - marketing (ie poster, business cards, fliers)
   and Knowledge Base wiki - review and see what else if anything is needed

   *Area 3 - Community Activity/Event* (Conferences, LUG, LoCo, Camps, Fests
   etc) - as both speakers, attends, and at booths with other ubuntu teams.

   *Area 4 - Mentioning Program* - revitalizing then re-introducing program
   to both the UW Project and Ubuntu Community members.

Marketing and Resources


   *Area 5 - Re-design www.Ubuntu-Women.com website [3]* The information on
   http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/ [4] and on the website should reflect the
   same information, just to make the website a bit clearer and easier to

   *Area 6 - Ubuntu Women Logo* - colours modified to reflect the new
   "Light" theme and identity of Ubuntu

   *Area 7 - Ubuntu-women clothing* - design get it out there and be
   available to be bought/ordered. -
[5] Need
   to get the new colours added to this first though (See Area 6)

   *Area 8 - Presentation at UDS -M* on the Ubuntu membership status on the
   statics we've found - Part of Ubuntu Community Report Card

   [1] - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Roadmap-M

   [2] -

   [3] - http://www.ubuntu-women.org/

   [4] - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/

   [5] -



Amber Graner//akgraner//

Just me Amber.

There are lots of Linux users who don't care how the kernel works, but only
want to use it. That is a tribute to how good Linux is.
Linus Torvalds
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