[UbuntuWomen] West Coast Community Leadership Summit

Mark Terranova mark at gidgetkitchen.org
Wed Jan 6 19:27:35 UTC 2010

Two very cool events in San Francisco, California; a community
un-conference - followed by an Ignite at Google.
There are just a few more spots left, Now is the time to to register-

The West Coast Community Leadership Summit (AKA CLS West) is a one day
unconference event on Jan 9, 2010. It will be held at DeVry University
in Daly City. That evening, there will be a Community-themed Ignite
for CLS attendees and their invited guests in San Francisco at
Google's SF office.  Online resources for the events are:

* Website: http://clswest.us
* Attendees: http://clswest.eventbrite.com/#attendees
* People photo gallery:

If you are a community leader near the bay area (or just interested),
you should consider signing up for both events.

Happy Holidays,

The first Community Leadership Summit occurred before OSCON (O'reilly
Open-Source Convention.)  After CLSwest the next event will be;
17th-18th July, 2010 - Portland, Oregon. If you can't make it-
consider organizing an event in your area. We will have some tools to

Spots should fill up quickly - register soon.

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