[UbuntuWomen] Thoughts on the website

Maia Kozheva sikon at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 9 08:32:28 UTC 2010

1. Which address is more "canonical" - ubuntu-women.org or 
women.ubuntu.com? I'd prefer the second one, looks more like an 
officially endorsed project, but your call. I think one of them should 
redirect to the other to avoid confusion.

2. When are we going to see a logo update? I know there's a new logo, 
but is it ready to replace the one on u-w.org and planet.u-w.org, with 
the old pre-Lucid Ubuntu aesthetics?

3. The copyright statement in the footer should be updated from 
2006-2008 to 2006-2010.

4. Is there a possibility that wiki.u-w.org will be made to use the u-w 
logo instead of the old Ubuntu logo?

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