[UbuntuWomen] Work Play Day - Discussion and Review of Announcement and Photo Model Release Waiver

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 12 07:15:50 UTC 2010

Hi Amber,

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Amber Graner <akgraner at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> The announcement has been modified to specify JPEG and PNG photo
> formats as well as the CC License to match the License to match the
> Option 1 Waiver on the wiki.

This is definitely better. The first sentence of paragraph 3 is still
out of place and should be deleted, in my opinion.

Also, in the exposition of what the license means, there is a bit of
confusion between using the word "we" and the word "you" both to
describe the person who is sharing the work.

So do I take it now from the choice of license that the intention is
not to modify the photos or to use them for commercial purposes?

Matthew East
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