[UbuntuWomen] UW list and attachments.

Kadambari Devarajan kadambari.devarajan at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 05:10:21 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Emma Jane Hogbin <emmajane at xtrinsic.com>wrote:

> Hello all,
> Quick note: I have not read the links provided and nor do I plan to. I
> do not want to receive attachments on mailing lists. Please upload files
> to a server and provide a link to the file where individual list
> subscribers may choose to download the file if they want to.
> +1 - no attachments on mailing lists, uploads preferred.

> Vid: It seems from your email that you are currently the sole list
> administrator? There is no reason to put this burden of responsibility
> exclusively onto your shoulders. There is also good reason for you to
> mentor new individuals in this responsibility and to increase the number
> of women who can perform this task. I am +1 for more female
> administrators of this list.
+1 again - I did go through the  logs, recommend more admins, in order to
account for time zone differences (among other things) and also to lessen
Svaksha's burden. Moreover, just one point of contact can be difficult for
various logistical reasons (been there, done that). Svaksha's done a great
job so far, and I'm part of other lists she's an admin of, and have no
complaints. Also, IMHO contrary to the opinion on the irc chat, I don't
think she is clinging onto the being sole admin or anything  (and actually
think she is NOT the sole admin, and there are others).

HTH :)


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