[UbuntuWomen] Sunday, March 1, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Sun Mar 8 15:23:32 UTC 2009

Sorry for the delay in getting these posted, but here they are! Since
not everyone who could attend was able, feel free to discuss any of
the items here on list.

These minutes and log also available on the wiki:

= Ubuntu-Women IRC Meeting March 1 17:00 UTC 2009 =

== Agenda ==

 {*} [https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2009-February/001853.html
Project Status Review]

== Present ==

 * pleia2
 * Nightrose
 * svaksha
 * bapoumba
 * Mamarok
 * maco
 * Myrtti
 * dinda

== Proceedings ==

 * Opened the meeting presenting the agenda. The current status of the
project is "existing":
  * The mailing list is around and activity trickles in, this channel
is here and used *often* for little rants and discussions about the
community, when women stop by for direction, we're here to provide it
  * We provides a place to "vent" if necessary, and have used the list
and IRC channel to coordinate meet-ups
  * The channel is also a very friendly, comfortable place for folks
to congregate, which makes it an attractive place
  * Many of the women involved currently are too busy with their
respective projects to contribute further to the project, but if we
did have time...

 * Project proposals
  * More encouragement of women to speak at events and being public
   * Help match conferences and speakers
   * Encourage women to post to planets (first UW, then maybe their
loco team, finally the official planet!)
   * Proposed action: semi-annual reminders to the list about our
resources (including offers to review slides, conference talk proposal
submissions) and encourage newcomers
  * "Women Behind Ubuntu" interview series
   * This doesn't require a huge time commitment from our volunteers,
and may be very useful, Mamarok volunteered to head up effort
   * Decided that our [http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/FullCircleMagazine
Full Circle Magazine Initiative] will be used to get these out
   * Will also post/link them all to our wiki
  * Website revitalization
   * Would be nice, but current site is functional, not a priority

 * Wiki issues
  * Has a broken login and password retrievals are not working (they
are sent, but in some kind of useless hash form)
  * Work-around for broken login page, use this link instead:
  * maco has submitted an RT ticket

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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