[UbuntuWomen] On becoming an Ubuntu Member

Jonathan Niehof jtniehof at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 16:29:39 UTC 2009

I've jumped off from Alan's analysis on the wiki with plots of where
we might go with some seemingly reasonable growth targets.

My inferences:
-Gradualism will not do the job in a reasonable timeframe. (although
the sorts of strategies that would feed a gradual increase may be
useful for sustaining after a crash-growth project.)

-Even if it were otherwise desirable to treat this as a "problem for
women," the sheer weight of numbers means a significant fraction of
men need to be involved. Further extrapolating: those of us men who
already believe this is an important issue need not only to encourage
women and discourage bad behaviour from men, but also convince other
men to do the same. (Would Yet Another Open Letter have any effect?)

I guess none of that is particularly surprising.

Are there reasonable numbers on what fraction of members remain
active? (Maybe based on last login to LP?) I've experienced a couple
of projects where focus on new participants resulted in a serious loss
at the other end, as long-term contributors felt less valuable.
Avoiding that loss is another "growth" strategy.

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