[UbuntuWomen] On becoming an Ubuntu Member

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 18:30:36 UTC 2009

On Saturday 05 December 2009 11:27:54 am Alan Bell wrote:
> Make sure you have supporters in the IRC meeting who will speak up on
> your behalf and mention things you have done that you have forgotten
> about yourself - that really helps.

I think I was one of three people from the same LoCo who all applied on the 
same day.  This worked *really* well because we could all vouch for each other 
and only had to ask other LoCo members to show up to one IRC meeting instead 
of 3.  If there are other highly-involved non-Members in your LoCo, try to get 
them to apply at the same time as you!

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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