[UbuntuWomen] Hello :)

Vid.A vid at svaksha.com
Fri Nov 7 03:12:17 UTC 2008

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 1:14 AM, Liz <bubbly1 at ihug.co.nz> wrote:
> hi all,
> Im Liz too. also in NZ. and living in auckland. im a member of the
> howick lug..and the only female. also a member of the aklug..tho ive
> never been to a meeting. just lurk on the mailing list. was a member of
> the sydney lug, also the sydney chix group before i moved home.

Hello and welcome to UW, Liz !!
"Sydney chix" .. by any chance are you referring to the local LinuxChix group ?

> Liz wrote:
>> Heya,
>> Im Liz, im from NZ also, and fairly up with the game regarding Linux and
>> Ubuntu (looong time user). The online meetings always appear to be at
>> the wrong timezone here as well, but the LUG are an excellent way to
>> meet like minded people.

I've missed many irc meets too when real life beckons. It is extremely
tough (practically impossible??) for us to find a time suitable for
every timezone and the easiest thing to do is catchup with the logs
when you have free time. Each UW meet has the logs on the UW wiki and
is usually followed up with a post to this list so we give ample
opportunity for those who missed the meet to have their say.

who is a bit confused as to which Liz she is responding to.

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