[UbuntuWomen] UW article for Fullcircle mag

Cathy cathy at zareason.com
Fri Jan 11 21:47:37 UTC 2008

I understand why the Ubuntu Women shouldn't be purely technical -- we're
aiming towards the least amount of segregation possible while we work to
create an even, hospitable (not hostile!) work field. I just didn't think of
it in advance. Thanks.

So, I would prefer to have quotes from some of you since it shows a sense of
community and team-building. If any of you have a minute, can you give an
answer or two to any of the questions that sound interesting to you?

(and Caroline can I have your permission to quote that you mentioned the API
for plugin dev for TuxPaint?)

Why you went into this field --

Why you use Ubuntu --

Friends you have seen leave (anonymous or generalized) and why --

Have you seen a younger girl use Ubuntu? If so, her reaction / your reaction

Any specific suggestions about how to help girls feel like computing is
natural and normal for them --


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