[UbuntuWomen] UW article for Fullcircle mag

Vid Ayer svaksha at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 14:19:28 UTC 2008


As you all know Fullcircle carries a segment on UW and they carried an
article last month but am sick this week and hence need some help with
this. The deadline is Sun. 13th @ 1500UTC before which they are given
a quick look over by the proof-readers before putin it into the
layout. Ronnie(*1) is subscribed here or alternatively can be
contacted at < ronnie {AT} fullcirclemagazine {DOT} org >.

Wondering what to write ? You could do a technical article of your
choice or an interview of each UW member, anything else i missed...
/me is drowsy with medication so cant think straight.  Can someone
take over this please ?


|| http://www.svaksha.com ||
People are like stained glass windows, true beauty can be seen only
when there is light from within... ElizabethKublerRoss ||

(*1) Ronnie Tucker is the Editor, Full Circle Magazine.

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