[UbuntuWomen] SCALE WIOS

Emma Jane Hogbin emmajane at xtrinsic.com
Tue Feb 12 01:26:33 UTC 2008

Danielle Dows wrote:
> I didn't go to WIOS, but I was happy to say "HI!" to a couple of 
> LinuxChix on Sunday. The highlight of the expo - Google giving away 
> coffee mugs especially designed for us! I proudly showed mine off to all 
> the women at work (be jealous! be very jealous!). Perhaps next year I 
> will be able to attend the whole conference, learn some wicked stuff and 
> network to the point of finding a home to use that knowledge (or find a 
> workable idea for the future).

OOoooooo custom mugs. SWEET! I've got a Dilbert/Google mug. I hide it
when I've got house guests so that they can't break it by mistake.

emma :)

Emma Jane Hogbin, B.Sc.
Founder, xtrinsic
phone: (519) 371-2665
web: www.xtrinsic.com

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