[UbuntuWomen] [troy.sobotka at gmail.com: Website]
Elizabeth Bevilacqua
lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 26 00:18:59 UTC 2008
----- Forwarded message from Troy James Sobotka <troy.sobotka at gmail.com> -----
> When was the last time you updated the website? Is there an
> organizational direction for the site development? Is there a desire to
> have one?
These are all very good points. I brought up during the meeting that I
feel that personally I've been looking at the website for too long to
have a reasonable idea as to how the direction of the site could go. I
don't remember what it's like to be new :) I think currently there
isn't an official organizational direction, I've done a bit of tidying
up but outside thoughts about improvements would be helpful.
The following are our static pages that could use some review:
* http://ubuntu-women.org/index.html
* http://ubuntu-women.org/faq.html
* http://ubuntu-women.org/getinv.html
* http://ubuntu-women.org/mentoring.html
Now this is the kind of 3rd party information we need from folks new
and outside the project:
> 1) Who is the audience? I'm assuming this one is quite easy -- women
> who use Ubuntu. I am also assuming that the default audience is one of
> a more mature demographic -- perhaps in the later twenties to thirties
> range?
Audience really is anyone who can read.
> 2) What would the team like communicated? It appears right now judging
> strictly from the language that we are suit-and-tie formal.
We'd like to communicate friendliness and openness (not necessarily
formal!). As discussed in the meeting, making the project seem
approachable, while remaining a project that can be taken seriously,
is vital to us.
> 3) What is the absolute bare amount of need-to-know elements on the
> site? What is the purpose of the site? What are the key areas that
> must be delivered / communicated?
This is something we've been trying to strip down and get to the point
about. We want to link to all resources and work with projects where
ever possible, only develop our own content when it is something very
specific to women in F/OSS.
Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz // pleia2
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