[UbuntuWomen] SCALE 7x is coming!
Gareth J. Greenaway
gareth at socallinuxexpo.org
Tue Aug 12 16:26:30 UTC 2008
Like a fine wine, SCALE continues to improve with age. The 7th Annual
So Cal Linux Expo will be February 20-22, 2009.
For 2009, the Expo will return to the Westin LAX Hotel, site of the
6th Expo. Because interest in Open Source Software is steadily
growing, attendance at SCALE continues to also grow. The depth and
breadth of its audience is expanding, so the Expo will add additional
speaker tracks to expand the educational opportunities for guests of
all experience levels. The Call for Papers for the 7th Annual Expo
opened August 4th 2008. The CFP solicits proposals from those who
wish to speak at SCALE in February.
In addition to three general tracks, a Developer's track and a
Beginner's track have been added. So there are many more
opportunities to speak at SCALE, and on a vastly wider breadth of
topics than in the past. Pertinent dates for the CFP are: 4 August,
2008: CFP Opens 30 Nov, 2008: Deadline for abstracts/proposals
submissions 20 Dec, 2008: Last date for notification of acceptance
20 Feb, 2009: Conference starts
If you're interested in presenting at SCALE, the full CFP can be
found at http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale7x/s7x_cfp.
Please consider speaking - SCALE welcomes your proposal!
Gareth J. Greenaway | g at socallinuxexpo.org
Voice - 877-831-2569 x130
Southern California Linux Expo
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