[UbuntuWomen] Making Ubuntu-for-all _work_

Jono Bacon jono at ubuntu.com
Mon May 21 12:40:37 UTC 2007

Hi all,

Sorry, too many things to quote, so I am going to start afresh. A few
different things to note:

 * I have been excessively busy recently. A combination of UDS, UES,
Ubucon, LinuxTag preparations, all the mail I missed during those
events, many other team projects and a relationship breakup have limited
my time for each team. I apologise that I have not had more time for you
all, its been a bit hectic to say the least.

 * I want to be absolutely clear here that my role here is advisory for
ubuntu-women. I am not here to 'tell' you what to do, I am merely here
to advise and suggest methods of moving forward. With your knowledge of
women's issues and my knowledge of community building, the theory is
that we can move forward effectively.

 * On a related note, I am not here to implement any plans or schemes -
I simply don't have the time. I am here to work with you in an advisory
role, but ubuntu-women will ultimately have to implement the projects we
discuss. I just don't have enough hours in the day.

 * I think modifying the CoC is dodgy ground, and modifying a document
such as the CoC is not really going to change anything in my opinion - I
suspect it is wider social opinion that needs to be changed as well as
smaller, more manageable problems such as specific incidents that need
to be judged fairly in the community.

 * If you all disagree with my view of where we should go forward, feel
free to head in your own direction - my points about a general
anti-discrimination campaign but with specific teams forming part of
that campaign are so we can all work together to fight discrimination in
the community. If you think this is crack, go ahead and continue as
normal, thats perfectly fine with me - I am just judging the situation
and offering my 0.02c. :)

I hope this clarifies a few things. :)


Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org

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