[UbuntuWomen] Inappropriate behavior in #ubuntu-women

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at princessleia.com
Sun May 13 22:29:01 UTC 2007

First off, we need more ops in the channel. I'm going to be putting
together a "course" on the wiki for women interested in being channel
ops - along with some requirements. I'll send details to the list when
this is closer to completion :)

But for now, I want everyone to know that I'm always available if you
have a problem in the channel. You can private message me at any time
(just make sure your nickname is registered so I can see ita) or drop me
an email: Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

Susana, elkbuntu and LadyFrost are also channel ops, their contact
information is on the UW website, toward the bottom of this page:


The prompting of this email was due to a male user who has been acting
somewhat borderline since he joined the channel, and has since said
things in channel like he was there "to get a girlfriend" - I fear we've
lost at least one women in channel because of his behavior.  I spoke
with him and he has since been removed from the channel.

We don't want women to be turned off by people in channel, so if you
feel uncomfortable by someone, even if they didn't *exactly* break any
rules - we want to know about it. I suspect most of these guys are
simply misled and don't understand that they're being harmful. I think a
warning and quick description of our purpose is enough to get them to
straighten out or leave.



Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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