[UbuntuWomen] Some will never learn...

Matt Good matt at matt-good.net
Tue Mar 27 00:12:12 UTC 2007

Wow, that's awful, though I think you've pointed out one of the reasons
that many men don't realize that this is still a problem.  I think the
majority of us are not at all like this and assume that most people are
like us.  Since in your case this happened through an off-list email the
other members of the list don't realize that this kind of conduct is
occurring.  Definitely report this to the list admin.

-- Matt Good

On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 00:29 +0200, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> Hi all,
> Today I posted a response on the german Ubuntu mailinglist. What a surprise to 
> find tonight a private mail in my inbox, asking me my age, to send pictures, 
> if I had a boyfirend/husband, the usual crap!
> I'm soooo totally sick about that and right now my mood is devastating. As I 
> know the mailinglist I'll report this chap to the list-admin.
> BTW this coward doesn't use his name, calls himself "urandomdev" and uses a 
> gmail account, wich makes him pretty untraceable...
> Grrr, I'm so angry I could kill !
> Sad greetings, Myriam

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