[UbuntuWomen] Meeting Notes for March 11, 2007

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at princessleia.com
Wed Mar 14 11:41:05 UTC 2007

I was a bit less thorough than usual with these notes, sorry for the

On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 12:24:47AM +0000, Caroline Ford wrote:
> >  * Susana volunteered to do a "session of going through the triage
> >   guide"
> >   
> A session on triaging for ubuntu (using malone) may be more useful. We 
> are coming up to beta freeze and need help with bug squashing for feisty.

As dinda said, this is because Susana stepped up and offered it. It was
thought that getting experience working with upstream is a valuable
thing to do since anyone who is going to get into HCI things we're
planning will have to work with upstream at some time. I'm sorry if the
notes didn't make this clear enough.

Plus, we have to work with what we have. We can certainly put together a
list of sessions we *wish* someone would do. But in the end if no one
volunteers to give a session for triaging bugs for Ubuntu, we can't have
one. Once the new mentoring framework is setup we'll have an easier way
for people to volunteer to run sessions/courses.

Are you volunteering to run a session on bug triaging? That would be
great, I can help you get it rolling and I'd certainly attend :)

> >   * Perhaps starting Mother's Day weekend? dinda suggested the tagline
> >    "Bring your Mom to Ubuntu" ... "Even if you're not a Mom. . . "
> >   * Mother's day weekend falls on the weekend after UDS-Sevilla - maybe
> >    this won't work out? We'll see...
> >   
> Mothers Day is on different days in different countries eg it's in march 
> in the UK.

This was also mentioned in the meeting but I ommitted it in the notes (a
mistake, sorry). During the meeting I referenced:


"second Sunday in May" is when most of the world celebrates, so that is
when we were shooting for. I've updated the notes on the wiki to refect

> Sorry this sounds so negative..

Again, we're glad to have the feedback!


Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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