[UbuntuWomen] Upcoming meeting (was: Re: Belinda Lopez becomes an Ubuntu Member!)

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at princessleia.com
Sat Mar 10 16:54:04 UTC 2007

On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 08:22:02AM -0600, Belinda A. Lopez wrote:
> Yes, I think Liz would make a great member and role model!

Thanks dinda and Vid :)

> I don't have any outstanding topics but perhaps we can  
> follow up on this week's IWD and brainstorm on ways to get more women  
> to join us, as Vid mentioned.  

These topics are good ones. Susana is also going to talk about an
upcoming Gnome bugday that she would like to recruit people for.

And we did have about a handful of women sign up in launchpad with the
Ubuntu-Women this week, and three of them signed the CoC!

I'm glad we did this week, but in the future I hope it can be more
structured and have more instructions available about how to sign the
CoC and handle GPG keys. I look forward to an even more successful
Membership drive in a few months :)

> Now that I think of it I'd love to hear more on the mentoring project
> as I have a few areas I need some  help on:  IRC Ops, getting involved
> in the UWN or Fridge areas, etc..

I think getting this rolling should certainly be a priority.

Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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