[UbuntuWomen] Looking for Website Administrators

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at princessleia.com
Sat Mar 3 14:21:06 UTC 2007

As was mentioned in the meeting notes from the latest meeting, the
Community Council recommended that we have four admins on the website.
We currently have two: Vidya Ayer and myself.

We're looking for the following things in a website admin:

* Dedication to this project and a commitment to stick with it - we
 don't  want to give admin access to people who will get bored and walk 
 away in a couple months.

* Experience with and knowledge about HTML. Specific knowledge about
 wikis or the planet software is not required, I can give a tour and a
 review of the basics when you're set up.

* Time to spend on this. Not only to review submissions by people
 looking to improve the website, but to discuss changes at meetings and
 with the other admins. This is not a lot of time, but we'd like a
 future admin to be able to make it a priority.

We'd prefer to elect women to these roles, but men dedicated to the
project are welcome to apply as well.

If you're interested just drop me an email off-list or get ahold of me
on irc.freenode.net (I'm pleia2) and we can talk.



Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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