[UbuntuWomen] IRC Meeting Notes for 9 June 2007
Elizabeth Bevilacqua
lyz at ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 10 13:42:36 UTC 2007
Full log and these meeting notes also available on the wiki:
= Ubuntu-Women IRC Meeting June 9 21:00 UTC 2007 =
* Ubuntu-Women Chapters?
* Vid Ayer posted to the mailing list with a couple topics for the
meeting: [https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2007-June/000946.html
and this included a suggestion and link to
[http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UW_Circle] which outlines some ideas for
casual local groups of Ubuntu-Women
* It was discussed that the purpose would be to bring more Women into
* Nightrose, myriam_rs, Susana and pleia2 expressed that there aren't
enough people in their areas to have such a group, maybe for more
densely populated areas?
* myriam_rs said "I definitely think this to be a good idea for more
populated regions on the globe, like Asia"
* Susana pointed out that more populated areas often have !LinuxChix
* It was discussed that currently !LinuxChix is primarily
english-speaking, with a few notable examples like !LinuxChicas,
!LinuxChix Brazil and a couple of the European chapters
* myriam_rs suggested that there might not be as many !LinuxChix
chapters in Europe because "maybe the LUG culture in Europe is
less hostile to women" - myriam_rs herself is a member of two
* pleia2 brought up Vid's India example, and said that a loose
knit group of UW there might be one of the examples of a place
where such a group would have a place.
* myriam_rs mentioned there is a !SheGeeks group in Switzerland
that actively participated in Feisty Release Party
* Susana expressed that having existing women in tech projects
handle the local role might be the best for now
* pleia2 expressed concern that it might take away from loco teams, or
be seen that way - we'd could be open for attack as trying to
segregate women further
* myriam_rs said that we should strongly suggest women to join their
local teams when they join UW
* It was asked whether some !LoCos are known as hostile and pleia2
mentioned that there had been "incidents" at a few of the teams that
have driven women away. It was agreed that UW should continue to
help bring these incidents to the CC.
* pleia2 suggested the following plan moving forward that was agreed
upon for the Local issue:
1. Join your !LoCo team
2. Join the !LinuxChix/Gender Changers/Womens Linux or IT group in
your area
3. If neither are an option (for whatever reason) it's fine to get
together with some other women and have a local meeting of Ubuntu
* Girls Inc Local Philadelphia Project
* pleia2 was a bit late to the meeting because she had just gotten in
from a !LoCo team event (in partnership with her local !LinuxChix
chapter) where Ubuntu and Windows were installed on 10 PCs donated
to the Girls Inc organization.
* The event went well, several of the girls who were taking the PCs
home showed up to be shown around Windows and Ubuntu by the
* Photos of the event were posted by Joe Terranova:
* Although this wasn't directly related officially to Ubuntu-Women we
want to encourage women to get involved in such projects and report
successes to the team!
* Mentoring Program
* pleia2 introduced the [http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/MentorRequest]
page - which includes requests for Courses
* Nightrose suggested posting to the mailinglist again to encourage
people to mentor and ask for metoring
* pleia2 suggested we contact some Teams directly (bugs, motu) to see
if people would be interested in giving courses
* myriam_rs will be contacting the bugs team
* Susana is an admin of the portuguese translations team, she
offered to together a translations course!
* Baby offered to be a Mentor!
* JanC brought up the very valid question of why Ubuntu Women have
their own courses ("duplicating work of existing course in
Ubuntu"), we explained:
* We've tried to encourage women to go to general courses in the
past, it hasn't been successful
* The two courses we have had brought in new women and were
* Experience (with Debian Women, !LinuxChix) has taught us that
starting such courses and documentation on the -Women level does
help women get a "foot in the door" of the whole project and then
branch out to the rest of the community
* Our courses heavily encourage getting women to get involved
directly with the community in general, UW is simply an entry
* JanC was concerned that specific courses address the symptom but do
not address the underlying problem of women not wanting to come to
the general courses. Indeed - we're working on this! But it's not a
problem that can be solved overnight, for now we're chipping away
at that issue and doing what we know works right now.
* ''Note: This was a long conversation in IRC, locating this in the
logs and reading specifics is encouraged if you would like to
* An update on HCI was requested, but dinda was unable attend the
* An update on the Ubuntu For All project was also requested, but
elkbuntu was unable to attend the meeting
Elizabeth Bevilacqua // lyz at ubuntu.com
Ubuntu Women Project: www.ubuntu-women.org
Ubuntu PA US LoCo Team: www.meetlinux.com
More information about the Ubuntu-Women
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