[UbuntuWomen] research women technologies

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at princessleia.com
Sat Feb 10 12:24:01 UTC 2007


In case you haven't found it yet, the LinuxChix.org site has a great
list of studies about women in FLOSS:


Also, I looked at your survey and there is a required question asking
about "Level of Income" - you may want to say what monetary unit and
timeframe that is, certainly not Euros in a year...

Good luck.


On Sat, Feb 10, 2007 at 11:15:57AM +0100, alex hache wrote:
>    Hi,
>    We are a group of activist researchers very keen on new technologies
>    applied to the Information and Comunication (ICT) fields. We are from
>    barcelona (catalonia) and for a long time, we have been asking ourselves
>    what is going on with women and ICT, why there are not loads of women
>    involved in ICT and what those already involved are actually doing. That's
>    why we need your help and input. We would like to know what enabled you to
>    have acces to the ICT, what are you currently doing and what do you expect
>    to develop in the future. From your answers we might find some clues to
>    open up this world to many other women. Do you fancy contributing to the
>    challenge ? We propose you some questions, answering them will not take
>    you more than 20 minutes. In this survey you will find some closed
>    questions where you should mark the answers with an "X" and some open ones
>    where you should write down your answer.
>    You can find it in the english version:
>    [1]http://www.donestech.net/?q=node/103
>    the website of the project is there: [2]www.donestech.net
>    Please click [3]here if you want to make it known to friends, colleagues
>    and people you think might be interested.
>    Thanks for your contribution!!
>    Alexandra hach*/DonesTech

Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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