[UbuntuWomen] Upcoming Ubuntu Events

Yolynne Medina yolynne at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 07:30:22 UTC 2007

I'd like to help too... I am interested in education and the same time
social relevance of foss in 3rd world countries.


On 2/5/07, Belinda A. Lopez <dinda at mac.com> wrote:
> Great!  All help is much appreciated.  If you can make the IRC meeting on
> Sunday 11 Feb at 15:00 UTC that would be great, if not, no worries.  I'm
> trying to narrow down topics for potential

"I am the Gatekeeper of My Destiny" - Nacho Libre
"If you're going to be thinking, you may as well think big" - Donald Trump
"Poverty is the Road to Ingenuity"
"The Best Things in LIFE are FREE"

Contact Details:
yahoo messenger : yolynne.rm
google talk: yolynne
skype: ynmedina
chikka: +639062199524
meebo: yolynne
gizmo: ynmedina
ekiga: ynmedina
irc (server: irc.freenode.net #iosn) nick: ulinskie

YM's OpenGPG key: 0x3C45D3D4
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