[UbuntuWomen] UW Project Status

Belinda A. Lopez dinda at mac.com
Thu Aug 30 16:03:02 UTC 2007

Greetings all!  especially the new folks who have joined us lately.

This is a somewhat random collection of thoughts so here goes:

  - Props to Lyz for the putting together the IRC Ops course.

- I noticed Myriam is on the list for the next Community Council  
meeting; Mon, 03 Sept 2007 at  13:00 UTC  in #ubuntu-meeting on  
irc.freenode.net see for more info  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ 
CommunityCouncilAgenda  (That's a holiday for us in the States.  Are  
you going to be able to make that meeting Myriam?  need support?

- The next UDS will be in Boston, 29 October - 2 November; https:// 
wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Boston  (I highly recommend attending these  
events if are you able and interested.  They are not conferences but  
intensive working sessions for the next release.  See the wiki for  
more info and a link to the Launchpad blueprints. I have a room  
reservation but will have to see how work commitments turn out before  
I can commit to exact dates.)

- Next UW IRC meeting - ??  I'm proposing 9 September at 1300 UTC

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