[UbuntuWomen] looking mentor

Waode Rahmawaktu waode.rahmawaktu at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 02:54:07 UTC 2006

On 11/18/06, Elizabeth Bevilacqua <lyz at princessleia.com> wrote:
> On Fri, November 17, 2006 9:07 am, fatma oymak wrote:
> > My name is Fatma from UK-London...I am very new in Ubuntu also linux...
> > English my second languages...(you can sign it)
> > I have studied telecomm. and network eng. and at this moment I am
> working
> > as
> > a volunteer...
> > I need mentor about the Linux carrier
> > is there anyone interested in?
> Welcome Fatma!
> What is your first language? Would you be more comfortable with a mentor
> that speaks your first language or English?
> What sort of aspects of Ubuntu are you looking for a mentor in?
> Our official mentoring program is for women who want to get involved with
> the Ubuntu community specifically, but I know there are some people on the
> list who might help out with learning Ubuntu if that's your goal.
> --

Hello, i've joined this list but i don't know what to do ^^' . I am waiting
my  Edgy CD from my friend (he is one of distributor of Ubuntu DVD
Repositroy in Indonesia). May be, my type is waiting for some instructions
for me ^^. Any one can guide me to learn and contribute in Linux Community?
Thx. Oic, My First language is Bahasa Indonesia, and my second language is

Thx All
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