[UbuntuWomen] Ubuntu-Women team on Launchpad

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Fri Mar 31 12:36:14 UTC 2006

On 31/03/2006, at 3:40 PM, vid wrote:

> Ok, so LP is basically used to track upstream work easily in
> Ubuntu.... Fine so far, but .... Unlike Debian, Rosetta does not say
> which package/product should be translated first. It just lists them
> in alphabetical order and that is confusing. In the NLP of Debian they
> have an order of translation for packages. Where can I find this
> information in LP/Rosetta ? Personally speaking a lot of time is
> wasted in  learning and figuring out different methods/systems
> followed by different distros and common processes would help us
> greatly.

I can agree most emphatically here. Like many translators, I work for  
a number of different OSS projects, and so much of my time is wasted  
in dealing with different procedures. When I join a new project, up  
to 80% of my time goes in learning the new procedures. This is not  
only inefficient, it discourages participation.

Everyone is short on resources, let's use them effectively. :)

> On a side note there is a  Debian-i18n meeting[0] in Spain
> and it would really help and make things easier if Rosetta developers
> could be there to find common ground between Ubuntu and Debian.
> Christian Perrier is the Debian contact for those wishing to attend.

And he's a terrific guy, very adaptable and knowledgeable. He'll meet  
you more than half-way.

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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