[UbuntuWomen] domain UbuntuWomen.org

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Sun Mar 26 06:54:37 UTC 2006

On 26/03/2006, at 1:07 PM, Clytie Siddall wrote:

> On 25/03/2006, at 7:03 PM, vid wrote:
>> Btw, I have done some pages so if you would like to check them and
>> test it for me it will be wonderful. Clytie has already done the
>> Vietnamese translation for the current UW wiki page, so that will  
>> need
>> to be checked too for rendering etc... . I will send them to you
>> seperately than flooding the list... ok ?
> I've only just started the translation <blush>. I'll finish it today.

Done. ;)

I did want to wait until our main page was pretty much final, which I  
think it is, now. We'll probably add and modify things, but not in a  
large way, not unless we want our translator to start throwing  
things... :D

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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