Wiki (was: Re: [UbuntuWomen] ubuntu-women website)
Clytie Siddall
clytie at
Sun Mar 19 05:04:23 UTC 2006
On 19/03/2006, at 4:02 AM, || vid || wrote (in part):
> The current wiki page for UW has some
> information with a goal statement, links to other pages and external
> links to, debian, Gnome. Would someone be willing to
> rewrite it (Clytie, had offered to include some translation details
> earlier). It should also be setup in a manner that can facilitate
> translations into other languages.
Sorry it took me so long to get onto this. Now I don't have the Gnome
release breathing down my neck, and I've got that awful Mailman file
translated, you have the cream of my abilities at your disposal (this
is where you close the wiki and leave the country :D ).
I've added to the U-W wiki page, information and links, and created a
translation bar.
The table at the top, saying Ubuntu-Women, makes formatting very
difficult. I spent the same amount of time as I spent on the text,
trying to work around that table. I wanted to put the translation bar
under the (automatic) page title, but I couldn't work out how to do
it. Since we get a large, prominent page title automatically, could
we dispense with the title table? Svaksha, if you put some time into
that, I'm sorry to recommend removing it, but it really is hard to
work with. MoinMoin doesn't seem to faciliate vertical spacing of
text and tables. (Or maybe I just don't know how to do it. ;) )
I've created my translation page, so I could have a textual link,
using the language name, not UbuntuWomenVi as the link, which
mightn't make any sense at all to people from my community (Ubuntu
Women is Phụ nữ Ubuntu). I won't do the translation until we've
mostly finalized the original text, to avoid having to re-do it much.
I used the model PageNameLL, where LL is your language code (e.g. Vi
for Vietnamese). All you need to do, to add your translated page is:
(Firstly, login: you can use your Launchpad login, or create an
account: it's easy.)
(Note that in your User Preferences, you can list some pages that
will always appear at the top of your Ubuntu wiki pages: you might
want to list
(your language code, case sensitive: UbuntuWomenFR isn't the same as
UbuntuWomenFr: I'm using the second style)
to start with. You can always come back and change this.)
1. Edit the main page: add the name of your page to the translation
bar, which looks like this:
||<rowbgcolor="#feecd8"> This page in || [wiki:UbuntuWomenVi Việt
ngữ] ||
All you need to do is add your pagename, and another double-pipe,
e.g. for French:
||<rowbgcolor="#feecd8"> This page in || [wiki:UbuntuWomenVi Việt
ngữ] || UbuntuWomenFr ||
(or you can put your language before mine, rearrange the bar any way
you like).
You can't put the language name yet, not until you've created the
page by naming it, opening it, entering text and saving it.
2. Save the original page.
3. Click on your language link in the translation bar, in this case,
on UbuntuWomenFr, which will show a question mark, because that page
hasn't been created yet.
4. Your page will open, with a number of suggestions. Click on
Category Template (the same kind of page as the original). I think
that's what it's called. The closest thing to Category Template, anyway.
5. Change the language code at the top to your language code. In this
case, "fr" for French.
6. Write something in there. I put, in my language, "This translation
will be created when the original text has been finalized.", and left
the instructions about categories, because I want to come back to
that. (I don't know how to comment-out text there yet.)
7. Save your page
8. Go back to the original Ubuntu-Women page. Click on Edit. You can
now change your pagename link in the Translation Bar. You create an
internal wiki link, of the syntax: [wiki:PageName some text] :
|<rowbgcolor="#feecd8"> This page in || [wiki:UbuntuWomenVi Việt
ngữ] || UbuntuWomenFr ||
|<rowbgcolor="#feecd8"> This page in || [wiki:UbuntuWomenVi Việt
ngữ] || [wiki:UbuntuWomenFr Français ||
9. Save the original page.
All done! Then you can go back and edit your translation when the
original page is finalized, and whenever you want to change it.
Hmm, it might be an idea to make this a wiki page, How to translate
this wiki page ... off to the Wiki again!
from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)
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