[UbuntuWomen] Sites and site edits
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svaksha at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 18:19:08 UTC 2006
Hi All,
Welcome Elizabeth !
On 3/18/06, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at princessleia.com> wrote:
> I've been involved with LinuxChix for several years, and have coordinated the
yes, I have remember you there :)
> The site in question was this:
> http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/UbuntuWomenFAQs
> I got to the "Why isn't there a Ubuntu (fill in minority here)?" section and
> was somewhat troubled by the bit in the second paragraph about IRC. I would
> like to edit it, but first need clarification as to what the point of it is.
Ahem... I have read it too and well.... there is a lot that needs to
be re-written there so please help out. Actually this[0] is our main
page and this link is sent in the email message you get after signing
up and also mentioned on the Lists page.
Personally, I much prefer the how-to which Val Henson co-wrote and our
site will definitely link that :)
[0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWomen
> so people don't know their gender. In fact, even my own IRC nick "pleia2" is
> often assumed to be male if people don't make the Leia connection.
That's true, I do prefer being judged by the work/contribution and not
the gender aspect but life isnt fair always :)
> Or is the point that F/OSS projects often have meetings in IRC, a medium that
> not many women communicate in, and so are somewhat shut out of these
I rather prefer emails to IRC as I dont sit online to chat 24x7 nor
can I type fast :-). IMHO, unlike a conversation with a human it does
not give you the time to think while you are searching for your reply
among other peoples conversation. Here emails and how-to's are better
as its more easy to assimilate and find solutions.
> Susana in IRC then posted some other links for me to check out, which quickly
> had my head spinning - do we have a central location for all the project
> documentation? A site I where I can point my friends to and say "This is the
> UbuntuWomen site"?
The *official* UW website is www.ubuntu-women.org. Now we need to plan
and set-up the website, which will be hosted on Canonical servers. I
have sent a mail regarding this so please reply to that thread.
> As far as I can tell, the following pages are all ours:
> http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/UbuntuWomenFAQs
> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=76
AFAIK, they are not hosted on Canonical servers as ubuntuforums is not
"officially" sponsored by Canonical/Ubuntu.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWomen
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-women
yes, hosted on Canonical servers.
> http://www.ubuntuwomen.org/
again ...its not hosted on Canonical servers and the domain name has
been privately registered and does not belong to Canonical/Ubuntu. A
whois will give you that information.
In my earlier mail to the list, I had mentioned that Canonical had
registered three TLD's which are : www.ubuntu-women.com,
www.ubuntu-women.net and www.ubuntu-women.org {note the hyphen between
ubuntu and women} so for all practical purposes, they are the official
> Plus the IRC channel on freenode.
Anyone can create an IRC channel and an Ubuntu Member would manage the
channel and be the sysop as its done for official Ubuntu channels. I
had mentioned this earlier so maybe Mark or Henrik would like to
clarify the Canonical position on this.
> Are there more?
> Should we be working to consolidate and integrate all of these? I think *at
> least* linking them would be helpful.
They will be consolidated soon.
Hope that helps :)
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