[UbuntuWomen] Version Control Course

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Fri Mar 17 03:27:50 UTC 2006

Just a reminder to our group:

Mary at Linuxchix is currently running an email-based course in Tools  
for Free Software, mostly about version control (CVS, SVN, Bazaar).

I've missed the earlier lessons, so I'm catching up from:


You need to subscribe to the linuxchix-courses mailing list:


and you can ask any questions, and discuss the lessons, on that list.  
I'll be there, so I look forward to meeting some of you there, too! :)

We can talk about the earlier lessons, because there's a gap, now,  
before the rest of the lessons.

Time to catch up with the first lessons, and talk them over, so we  
really understand them.

Talking things over is important: never think it's "just talking" or  
wasting time. We learn better when we discuss things and relate them  
to our own experience.

Every question you ask, everything you contribute, is helping you  
learn. So speak up! Don't be shy. :)  I'll be there, too, and if  
there are any silly mistakes to be made, I'll be making them too!

See you at Linuxchix!

For those who haven't seen Linuxchix yet:


it's a group of Linux, er, chix, or chicks, women who enjoy using  
Linux and want to share their skills, ideas and experiences. It has a  
number of mailing lists for different sub-groups, and special- 
interest groups. Where this Ubuntu list is focussed more specifically  
on Ubuntu users, Linuxchix is more of an umbrella group, for all uses  
of Linux/UNIX systems. So they really complement each other. There  
are a lot of good people there, and you'll be very welcome. :)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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