[UbuntuWomen] Re: [ubuntu-women] Happy Women's Day :)

Jane Weideman janew at hbd.com
Mon Mar 13 14:59:57 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 10:47 +0000, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> Companies and organisations who are planning to switch over to Free 
> platforms in the long term will often do it as a gradual process, first 
> moving most people onto OpenOffice on Windows and then gradually move 
> machines over to Linux as they are replaced or need an OS upgrade. So, 
> it's all parts of the puzzle.

This is what I did.

I started with OOo, Firefox and Thunderbird/Evolution on Windows.

I remember thinking that OOo was pretty much the same as Open Office,
but better by being free, and I find Firefox superior to IE. I did not
like Thunderbird - well actually I did but I missed my Outlook calendar
and couldn't find a good Thunderbird option so I traded it for

I would argue that Thunderbird is a better e-mail package, but I think
Evo is better all round solution so I have stuck with it.

After a month of that I made the switch to Ubuntu Warty and very soon
Breezy and hardly ever booted to windows again.

I think a major part of the barrier is fear of the unknown, if people
can do it in small less-daunting steps, and can see that it's not that
scary, or really even all that different, they will be happy to make the


Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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