[UbuntuWomen] Greetings!

B.A. Lopez dinda at mac.com
Tue Jun 6 23:07:56 UTC 2006

Hi folks,
   I'm beginning my journey into the Ubuntu community and just wanted  
to say hello and see who here.  I've been digging through the wikis,  
forums and mailing lists and , geez, is there ever alot of  
information to try to sift through!  I think I'm quickly reaching  
information overload but that is a good thing.  I don't know exactly  
why but ever since I started learning about Ubuntu and the community  
growing around, something just told me, it was going to be a very  
good thing.  I'm a pretty experienced computer user (high end  
multimedia developer on mostly Mac, PCs when forced at work) but gnu/ 
linux and the Ubuntu distro were something totally new to me.  I  
consider myself a good test case for winning over more converts and  
trying out new things.  Anyways, since I never do anything half way,  
I'm making plans to attend the upcoming Paris developers summit to  
get a first hand look at that part of the process.  If there is  
anything in particular you would like a report back on, please let me  
know and I'll try to attend that particular session.  Mind you, I may  
not fully grasp all the technical stuff yet but I'm pretty good at  
telling stories and passing on information.

I do have a live journal blog of my ubuntu journey but since I'm a  
bit shy I haven't asked for it to be included in the planet section  
yet.  The URL is http://ubuntugirl.livejournal.com/

Please feel free to give me any feedback/hints/tips/happy thoughts.


Belinda A. Lopez
Houston, Texas
"I'm not a rocket scientist but I play with them when needed. . . "
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