[UbuntuWomen] [Fwd: Women's Summer Outreach Program 2006]

maria soler maria.soler at eupm.upc.edu
Thu Jul 6 16:31:39 UTC 2006

I've got one of the projects! :-D

About sync of Tomboy notes... I'll keep you informed :)


En/na Jane Weideman ha escrit:
> In case you haven't heard yet.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Vincent Untz <vincent.untz at gmail.com>
> Reply-To: Summer-Administrators-2006 at googlegroups.com
> To: Summer-Administrators-2006 at googlegroups.com
> Subject: Women's Summer Outreach Program 2006
> Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:41:18 +0200
> Hi,
> We have started to announce this everywhere and here is a good place too
> since other organizations might be interested in doing something
> similar.
> Short story: http://www.gnome.org/projects/wsop/
> Longer story: The GNOME Foundation is using the money coming from Google
> through the SoC projects to sponsor three women during two months. This
> will work like Google's SoC except that it's two months and it's only
> for women. The goal is to get more women involved in our community in
> the long term, since there are really too few women right now. And we
> don't want to have women doing the things nobody want to do, but we want
> them to work on the same stuff as we're all already working on. You can
> see some FAQ and more informations on
> http://www.gnome.org/projects/wsop/
> We can't just sit and wait, wishing that more women would contribute to
> free software: action is required, to try to get a decent numbers of
> female contributors. We encourage everyone to do similar programs (and
> we can try to help organizations wanting to do so). 
> (this is not a Google initiative, it's not related to SoC, if you want
> to blame people, blame GNOME people, or better, blame me, if you want to
> thank someone, thank the GNOME Foundation (and Google for the money),
> etc. ;-))
> Cheers,
> Vincent

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