[UbuntuWomen] The Ubuntu-Women's team and presentation

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at princessleia.com
Tue Aug 15 19:05:08 UTC 2006

On Tue, August 15, 2006 12:06 pm, Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:
>  - Technical skills
>  - Documentation skills
>  - Internationalization skills
>  - Create Art work
>  - Report Bugs
>  - Community building
>  - Links (Ubuntu Flavors ! & The Ubuntu World !)
> These would all be small pages, but I think it would help people just
> click on the thing they're interested in rather than having to scroll down
> through information they aren't interested in/are unable to help with.

Then again... I was thinking about this and what Andreas said about
duplication of effort. Instead of having our own stubs of these things
about "techical skills" and "documentation skills" etc we could just link
to the main community page that has these:


This is the site I generally send people to, it's very similar to our list :)

Elizabeth A. Krumbach // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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