[utah-devel] UTAH Weekly Meeting

Max Brustkern max.brustkern at canonical.com
Fri Sep 21 21:10:54 UTC 2012

On 09/20/2012 12:51 PM, Brad Figg wrote:
> ...
> The _very_ first thing I did the other day was to try to install it and
> that failed. Max quickly fixed that but you should be running your own
> install tests to verify this never happens.
> ...
> Brad
I can speak to this a bit.  We're in the middle of an ongoing transition 
for our schema validation dependency, which has broken the provisioning 
part of the daily build.  Once we have the resolved, there are jenkins 
jobs that will alert us to install failures, they're just being ignored 
at the moment because they're consistently failing.  Obviously that's 
not something we can do long-term, and I'm working to get it resolved.


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