[utah-devel] UTAH Weekly Meeting

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Thu Sep 20 16:51:20 UTC 2012

On 09/20/2012 09:40 AM, Brad Figg wrote:
> On 09/20/2012 09:37 AM, Brad Figg wrote:
>> On 09/20/2012 09:07 AM, Gema Gomez wrote:
>>> On 20/09/12 17:04, Brad Figg wrote:
>>>> On 09/20/2012 08:58 AM, Gema Gomez wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> Before you run UDS sessions, your documentation should be good enough
>>>> that a person doesn't need to attend a session. I've discussed this
>>>> with Max a bit.
>>> Indeed that's part of the improvements we will be trying to make. Any
>>> specific feedback you have on what's missing would be useful to help us
>>> improve it.. after so many conversations on how the tool works and what
>>> the main concepts are, we have lost sight of things that may be
>>> obviously missing for end users.
>>> One thing Max mentioned in the meeting and I forgot to add, is that we
>>> should not assume any QA background on the people using the tool, so all
>>> concepts should be clearly explained. Any other thing you can think off,
>>> specifically, that would make your life easier?
>>> Gema
>> 1. It would be really helpful to have the equivalent of "hello world". A
>>    step by step:
>>      . Create directory x here.
>>      . in directory x create file y
>>      . create directory y
>>      . etc.
>> 2. Document the purpose of every configuration file.
>> 3. Document every attribute of every configuration file. For example:
>>      . fetch_cmd - what is it, is it required, why is it required.
>>      . runlist - same questions plus, it has "list" in its name so
>>                  how do i specify a list?
>> 4. Show an example (hello world) on how to run the tests locally without
>>    needing to do provisioning.
>> 5. Don't use terms/adjectives like "Cool" (it just doesn't sound professional)
>> These all seem like "obvious" things to document.
>> Brad
> And get the documentation onto a ubuntu.com website. I know it's a pita
> to deal with IS on these things but you are going to get nothing but
> grief from people if you don't. It's best to just nip that in the bud.

The _very_ first thing I did the other day was to try to install it and
that failed. Max quickly fixed that but you should be running your own
install tests to verify this never happens.

You also need to make sure you keep the documentation up-to-date and
Max and I discussed this. This is actually a hard problem to fix and
the only real answer I know of is to have the discipline to think about
whether every change made to UTAH require an accompanying change to
the documentation. If you can make that happen by using inline comment,
great. If you can do that with out-of-code documentation files, fine.
I've seen both work and both fail.

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com

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