ubuntu installation on hp.net laptop

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 14:52:43 UTC 2024

Hi Bruce,

On Sun, 17 Nov 2024 at 21:24, bruce <badouglas at gmail.com> wrote:

> looking at the hp  17z-cp300  amd ryzen 5 7530.  $370.
> I have no clue as to any of the ech specs. I'm going to try to get to
> the TechSupt of HP tomorrow to see if I can get data.
> Short of that, i might purchase the item, and get my hands on it to
> see what it might have.
As others have mentioned, lspci and dmidecode are good commands to find out
what is inside your machine. I would also suggest the lsusb command as well.

> The goal would be to install liveusb/Ubuntu, and to see if I can use a
> sub/wifi. But I'm not sure if this would entail massaging the
> /etc/hardware with wifi mod files.
> I'm not sure if I could/can/shold open the boz to insert a wifi
> replacement module either.
I've never had to do that.

> thoughts/comments?
Well... do you intend to buy the new laptop from a shop? If so, if you can
sweet talk the shop's technical staff into letting you boot a live Ubuntu
USB memory stick in the computer you intend to buy and checking out if WiFi
etc are working, that would be ideal.



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