ubuntu installation on hp.net laptop

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 20:03:37 UTC 2024

Hi Bruce,

On Thu, 14 Nov 2024 at 19:01, bruce <badouglas at gmail.com> wrote:

> hp  17z-cp300  amd ryzen 5 7530  although could do the intel i5 if it
> would make a diff

Thank you. I am in the UK. I looked for an exact match for that and failed.
I did, however, find this page:

Note: Just seen Robert's reply and he makes some very good points as does

I only get to see old hardware. A friend and I refurbish low end computers
and pass them on to people but I've only ever installed Linux in person.
Are you near a Linux User Group? There might be someone there who regularly
installs Ubuntu Linux and be able to deal with any problems that arise.

I Googled for "ubuntu hp 17 laptop". I found a post that basically said
that you're on your own when it comes to getting Ubuntu Linux on HP hardware

Some HP laptops are certified for Ubuntu. See here:
Knowing the make and model of a computer can be helpful when Googling
"Install Ubuntu Linux on <make> <model>". YMMV, however, if you are dealing
with a new computer.

But, the "Ubuntu Certified Laptops" page might be of use to you. See
https://ubuntu.com/certified/laptops - it only seems to list Dell / HP /



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