TigerVNC server not working after do_release_upgrade to 22.04.4 LTS

Knute Johnson groups at knutejohnson.com
Wed Mar 20 21:12:28 UTC 2024

On 3/20/24 13:38, Bo Berglund wrote:
 > I found this:
 > $ apt policy x11vnc
 > x11vnc:
 >    Installed: (none)
 >    Candidate: 0.9.16-8

That's what I'm using on my Xubuntu desktop and a whole slew of remote 
computers running Xubuntu or RaspiOS.

Here's my systemd service file:


ExecStart=x11vnc -geometry 1920x1080 -forever


Be sure to change the user and .Xauthority location.

 > But
 > $ apt policy realvnc
 > N: Unable to locate package realvnc
 > What is the package name for realvnc server?

There is no realvnc server in the repository.  You need to either use 
x11vnc or go to realvnc.com and sign up for the trial.  After the trial 
you can: "VNC® Connect Lite plan. It's still free, but you now get up to 
256-bit encryption as well as high-speed streaming, for up to 3 
devices."  That plan is a non-commercial plan but free.

 > And can x11vnc work with the RealVNC Client on Windows?

Yes I use them all the time.  The only VNC client that I use is the 
RealVNC Client, version 7.10.0 at the moment.  You don't however get 
encryption and file transfer.  You can always SSH tunnel to your server 
if that is an issue.  Mine are all on my local network or an isolated 


Knute Johnson
groups at knutejohnson.com

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