cannot install unetbootin

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Feb 21 17:57:31 UTC 2024

On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 22:17, Nicholas Saunders
<saunders.nicholas at> wrote:
> I used Ventoy and got so far as to install Windows:
> but cannot understand this bit about UEFI, EFI, GPT, MBR and CSM.

You seem very confused about this stuff. I am not sure why you are
worrying about these details. You shouldn't.

I will explain but I very much fear it will only confuse you more.

There are 2 kinds of PC firmware: BIOS (old) and UEFI (new).

Some older UEFI systems can emulate a BIOS for BIOS-only OSes, such as
DOS. This is done via a module in the firmware called CSM. If it's on,
the PC can do legacy boot as well as UEFI boot. If CSM is off, legacy
boot is off. If the machine is very new and doesn't have CSM, you have
no option of legacy boot.

There are 2 kinds of PC hard disk partitioning scheme: MBR (old) and GPT (new).

BIOS used MBR. Some late-era BIOSes understand GPT as well.

UEFI defaults to GPT but can use the old scheme too.

Linux doesn't care. It will install on either partition scheme, on
either type of firmware, any mix.

Windows cares a lot.

Win7 is BIOS-only, and that implies and suggests MBR only.

Win8.x, nobody wants, nobody cares.

Win 10 can do either BIOS or UEFI.

*But* Windows 10+ has a restriction: if you want UEFI boot, you must
use GPT for the boot disk.

I want dual boot. I use Linux and other OSes, some of which don't do UEFI boot.

So, I partition my disks with MBR and set my firmware to do legacy
boot first. This works, and works with anything up to and including

I detest Win11 and try to avoid it, so this suits me fine.

If you want dual boot, I suggest the same.

If you want Win11, you must use UEFI boot and partition your bootable
disks with GPT.

The end.

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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