crontab bash tests

lejeczek peljasz at
Sun Sep 24 16:44:18 UTC 2023

Hi guys.

I have this

*/1 * * * * { [[ $(/usr/bin/sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/psql 
--quiet --port=5433 -x -c 'select state from 
pg_stat_replication;' | grep streaming > /dev/null)$? -eq 0 
]] && /usr/bin/touch /tmp/pgSQL-5433.isMaster || rm -f 
/tmp/pgSQL-5433.isMaster; }

which in regular shell session touches the file, but in the 
cron file gets removed, the opposite & actually the only 
outcome, regardless of whether the test is true or false.
What is going on there?
many thanks, L.
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