Ubuntu and snap

Keith keithw at caramail.com
Mon Oct 30 16:13:22 UTC 2023

On 10/30/23 6:48 AM, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Freitag, dem 27.10.2023 um 14:24 -0400 schrieb Little Girl:
>>> you can identify verified publishers by the little green checkmark
>>> next to the publisher entry.
>> Interesting. All of my Snaps have green check-marks except for
>> hunspell-dictionaries-1-7-200. A quick Google session shows that
>> LibreOffice (which comes with Kubuntu by default) uses it, but other
>> programs might, too. Is the lack of a green check-mark for that a
>> cause for concern?
> Lin (brlin) is a well known reliable packager and i'm surprised he has
> not at least the yellow star (which is the equivalent of a checkmark
> for "very reliable and sustained snap packagers")

I'm surprised that you don't have one either :)


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