Ubuntu and snap

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 14:43:56 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Oliver Grawert wrote:
>Am Freitag, dem 27.10.2023 um 14:24 -0400 schrieb Little Girl:
>> All of my Snaps have green check-marks except for
>> hunspell-dictionaries-1-7-200. Is the lack of a green check-mark
>> for that a cause for concern?
>Lin (brlin) is a well known reliable packager and i'm surprised he
>has not at least the yellow star (which is the equivalent of a
>checkmark for "very reliable and sustained snap packagers") 
>It is semi-official but maintained by a community person ...

Perhaps one of you who's on the team could get in touch with him and
nudge him to get himself a green check-mark.

>> Searching Google for a command to display which program(s)
>> depend(s) on a Snap is surprisingly challenging because no matter
>> how you word your search, most folks think you want to know what a
>> Snap depends on rather than what depends on a Snap. Is there a
>> one-liner that can do it?

>well, the thing is that snaps do not actually have any dependencies,

I know. I was after the reverse and wanted to find out what uses a

>the only actual way to see such "dependencies" is a local:
>snap connections <your-content-snap-here> 
>which would show you which consumers a snap has ...

Thanks. I had to do some research to understand its output. It seems
* slots are providers (these are resources provided by Snaps)
* plugs are consumers (these use the resources provided by Snaps)
* interfaces are meeting places (these connect plugs with slots)

So far, so good. 

The command you provided let me know that the dictionaries
use the "content" interface, but there's no plug:

snap connections hunspell-dictionaries-1-7-2004

This command let me know that only other Snaps can use the "content"

snap interface | grep content

This command let me know which Snap(s) use it:

snap interface content

It looks like Firefox is its only consumer. Good to know.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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