Propeer way to log exit of an eternal loop script?
Bo Berglund
bo.berglund at
Sun May 7 13:51:00 UTC 2023
I have a script that logs MQTT telegrams to file in an infinite loop started
from crontab on boot, the basic lines following variable definitions are:
CMD="mosquitto_sub -h -i $MQTTID -F '@Y- at m-@d @H:@M:@S ; %t ;
%p' -t '#' >> ${FULLOG}"
cd "$LOGDIR"
NOW=$(date "+%F %T")
eval "echo \"${NOW} ---- Start logging ----\" >> $FULLOG"
eval "$CMD" #This command runs until killed or a system reboot
#I want these lines to be executed when the system kills the script
NOW=$(date "+%F %T")
eval "echo \"${NOW} ---- Stop logging ----\" >> $FULLOG"
As it is now I do *not* get the stop message logged to file when the logging
process is killed manually or when the system is rebooted.
How can I modify the script so that this will happen?
I have googled and found that there is a "trap" command but I don't understand
how to use it in this situation...
Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden
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