cgroup: cgroup: disabling cgroup2 socket matching due to net_prio or net_cls activation

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri May 5 14:55:04 UTC 2023

Am Montag, dem 01.05.2023 um 17:12 +0200 schrieb Mario Marietto:
> Hello.
> I’ve just installed Ubuntu 22.04 on my Jetson nano. Docker does not
> work on 22.04,but it works on ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04. I used the same
> kernel version for Ubuntu 18,20 and 22 (because the kernel 5.x is
> very incompatible with the nvidia tools) : 
> Linux marietto-nano 4.9.299+ #0 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 29 14:22:17 CEST
> 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

there is no such thing like ubuntu for the jetson yet ... the only
thing you can get is a hacked up image that nvidia produces without
consent from canonical. 

while it uses an ubuntu rootfs as a base there are plenty of out of
archive scripts and hacks applied on top, along with an nvidia
maintained kernel that is missing the roughly 400 (security) patches
ubuntu applies on top and comes with an incompatible non-ubuntu config

if you need support with such an image you need to ask nvidia, since
only them know what scripts and hacks they applied ... 

(you will definitely run into issues trying to install things from the
ubuntu archive and the like, since package dependencies will not match

there is some joint work between canonical and nvidia going on to
eventually solve this situation and have proper ubuntu images for the
orin boards and onwards, but i dont think that is ready yet for public

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